Monday, March 22, 2010

all my days were spent by the telephone ;

Evening. I've been too slack lately to bother updating, but tonight I decided I had better before I forget what's been happening and let things slip.

Well for one thing that weekend of the fifth didn't work out. Instead we had a party at Michelle's that Friday night with a bunch of people there. It worked out pretty well, though I was easily the most sober girl there and thusly took care of the drunkards. I cleaned up spills, picked up discarded cans, and drank lemon gin in between it all, hehe. I stayed up until five with Emily, Trisha, Amanada, and our new friend Alpine. We just talked about.. everything. You know those drunken conversations where you talk about life and your opinions, your love, your losses, and everything in between. At five I finally went to sleep, got up at eight, and went to work for ten. It was hard, but I made it through okay. It was only Allie and I working, anyway.

After that not a whole lot happened. Just chillin as usual I suppose. I did sleep with Tim who is six years my senior. I don't really regret it though. It was wild, he's easily the craziest lover I've ever had, I sure met my match in this one! We're still getting along as well as usual. Except for one little hiccup that was this past Saturday night.

Michelle and I went up there to chill with Ben and Tim. Ben was drunk as fuck and pissed at Michelle for being the spoiled princess she is (I love her, but this is an HONEST blog) and got things going pretty bad. We managed to keep it going smooth until Tim and Michelle started fighting over me, not using names, so I didn't realize at first, because Michelle is mad that he sort of fuck and chucked me with no intentions on following through. She also critized me for my loose living lately and not sticking up for myself, letting these douchers running me over, starting with Fabio. So that was something, that's for sure. I'm lonely as hell, but I'm not sad. She's more upset than even I am, I think. Anything, the bottles and chairs and glass started flying, then Tim and Ben got in the truck and wanted me to leave with them because I was my mellow self while she was being a prick (she locked herself in the car she was so mad and wouldnt let me in while she shouted insults at Tim out the window and seethed over Ben not trying to calm her or anything). However, there was no way I could let her drive home like that, she's reckless when she's calm, I didn't want to see her driving while she was mad. So I declined, yelled until she let me in the car, and we left. Shit. Show.

In job news, I'm PISSED at Joanne again. She bitched me right out for things that happened on Saturday. Except, I didn't work Saturday! When I told her, she said "regardless" and kept chatising me! Foolish. She made up some stuff too that I was pretty mad about, I'm thinking about reporting her.

Also, Nan is now home! For maybe.. two, three weeks now. It's one huge hassle though. She can't walk like at ALL so she needs to be catered to ever second of the day. Brenda took two months of work for it. She can't even go to the bathroom by herself or anything, its pitiful. It could be worse though.

Mom visited yesterday as well. That was about as good a time as it always is.. I did get to see James and his family and Bill though, so that wasn't too bad. Addyson is cute as a bug! She's saying 'mama' and 'dada' now, learning to crawl, and all about the noise and movement! At only seven months, none the less!

So that's about it for me right now. Still looking for plans after school. It's looking like I'm going over to Calgary with Marcel. Should be interesting. Maybe stupid, but who cares, it's another experience I'll have! "Grab life by the horns and hump it into submission!" Kiss kiss ;)