Saturday, January 16, 2010

i was a bitch playin' hard to get ;

Once again I've been a shitty poster. Yes, well, an awful lot has happened! Let's see.. let's start with Christmas. It was fairly boring, Brenda was sick so that kind of sucked, but I got a lot of nice sweaters to wear. New Years Eve was spent at Allies. I slept with her roommate Del, big mistake. Then I was dating the other one, Paul, also a mistake. Del fucked and chucked me, Paul was nice, we didn't sleep together mind you, but I just think of him in more of a big brother way and I didn't want to lead him on. So that was that. Alex and I are still on and discussing dating at the moment, and I'm very happy about that. I know I complain about him a lot but it's like.. half the time while I'm wanting to smack him, I'm wanting to kiss him at the same time. Weird, no?

In other news, I have gotten one out of five of my lovely tattoos. It's right on my chest, and I love it! One down, four to go!

School news: Exams are in two weeks!! I'm definitely starting to feel the crunch! I think all of them will go well though, except math, but I'm doing the best I can in that respect.

Drug news: Never again shall I get fucked with Kate. She talked me into doing syrup with her yesterday. BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE! I don't even remember more than pieces of the day. It was the worst pain I have ever felt. My vision went out on me and I could just barely see, she dropped me off outside of school at 330 and I stumbled around. Then I collapsed and puked absolutely everywhere, including all over my work clothes. I remember ending up in the school bathroom with Becca Griffin with me. Then I must have gotten to work some how where I woke up on the bathroom floor, blood and puke and shit all over the room. So I cleaned everything up as best as I could under the blindness, sweat, and puking, and they sent me home. I layed in bed and didn't stop throwing up until after eight! Then the girls dragged me out of bed because Jake wanted to see me. After that I went home and passed right out. I smoked some weed with Jake and popped Tums like there was no tomorrow and that helped for the time I was out. But I'm telling you- NEVER again!!!! Only weed from now on man, the rest of that stuff is shit!

So that's my lovely life at the glance for the past two months. Want to punch me out yet? I'm waaay ahead of you buddy.

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