Friday, January 29, 2010

the only thing that's left between us ;

Evening Blog! So, I'm sitting at Michelle's with two drunkards right now. I figured I should leave a small update with you considering I'll be quite busy the next week or so. Exam week has been BULLSHIT! Monday's exam was cancelled so schedule was pushed back. Same deal today. That means no Halifax because I have an exam Monday, which was a day I supposed to be in Halifax. So that's poop swag. Here's tonight up until Monday for you, anyway:

Friday: Gallery opening with Wayne! It was a blast, wine, finger foods, and art. Doesn't get much better! It was pretty hilarious too considering we were by far the youngest couple there. I almost spit out my wine from laughing so hard. After that we went over to Mexicala Rosa's and had some dinner about eight o'clock. Then I came over to Michelle's house with her and Amanda. They're drinking but I haven't decided if I shall tonight or not.

Saturday: Up to the camp! Really excited :)! It's undecided when'how long we're staying, but we're determined for Michelle to fight her way up there, haha, so hopefully HOPEFULLY we can go.

Sunday: One day of relaxation, major hangover, and major studying.

Monday: Biology exam (fml).

So that's that. Pretty long week, but not neccessarly bad, either. There's your update, night night :) .

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