Tuesday, May 25, 2010

pray i don't face you ;

Howdy. Figured I'd best update again before the month is out. I actually just brought the mail in and got my application package for the distance education college I'm looking at but I wanted to update first so I can devote my full attention to it afterward. So, let's see, what news have I got?

Michelle and I are no longer friends. We had a big blow out wherein I told her I think she's a slut and I haven't held any affection for her in quite some time. She said the same to me and it was a huge shit show. I only wish I'd remembered she's got my digital camera before I said all this. Sigh. I don't think I'll ever see it again, she hasn't been responding to my demands to get it back. Ah well, we'll see where that goes.

Kori and I are doing well so far. It's more than obvious the boy cares for me more than I do for him at the moment, but I certainly do care for him a lot. We're getting along very well though, and I'm very happy with it. I'm cautiously optimistic, not putting all my ducks in one pond as it were. We shall see.. but I've got a good feeling about this one. He's not some weak minded, egotistical man. He's himself, with everyone. Not putting up a facade. He deserves a little love though, things haven't been easy for him.. I'm more than happy to be there for him!

Nan's doing well, about the same as last time I updated. Kathy's grampie is in the hospital though, they say he won't make it past the weekend at the latest. Rob's a mess, so's Michael.. it's heartwrenching. Michael was my best friend growing up, my closest confident. He never cried, now it's all he does.. poor boy..

I put in my resume on base in Gage. HOpefully I hear back fairly soon, I'm checking out apartments as well. Back to the beginning I go! Random, yes. Because of Kori? .. Not totally.. Just a perk, hehe. I miss it there though.. the small town feel, the friends, the tight community. I'd like to go back ASAP! Can't wait for school to be done.

That's about it I suppose. Oh, it's my birthday Saturday though. I was going to have a party but.. I think I'd rather just get a hotel in Shediac and spend it alone on the beach with Kori :) . I'll let you know how it all turns out soon, promise!! Peace.

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