Sunday, October 4, 2009

now youre gone ;

"we're all pretty bizarre, some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all."

"i just want them to know they didn't break me."

"everything I'm not made me everything I am."

"He said I'll love you forever. She said okay. Just let me know when forever is about to end."

"My heart is not your dick, so stop playing with it."

"I think the worst feeling is being forgotten by someone you will never forget."

"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

"I can't breath without you, but I have to."

"Drunken words are meerly sober thoughts."

It will all stop hurting and the yearning will dissapate with time. I know this, it is enevitable. But to be cut out of someones life so finally is hurtful and takes time. To know youre "over bearing" is sad and causes you to analyze yourself. Life is complicated, but that's just the way it is. People come and go, things change. You keep pushing forward. I'm keeping busy. I'm doing the school thing, volunteering, working, and makeing time for the people in my life that care for me and I care for. Things are going to be okay. I know this. I will miss you; I know this also. But I will go on.

PS: they got rid of the coloring on here so i have to post in white. yeah, this is not connected to anything i just said, but it still drives me mad. goddamn you google blog!

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