Wednesday, October 28, 2009

you said forever, you'd never let me go ;

So, life is queer right now. I've got my university all picked out and beginning my registration sheets, very excited. I also checked out the campus last weekend. It's not very big, but that's why I like it. It's also all newly renovated and everything! Looks like a good place for me. Just got to make sure my average stays above 75% this year for the course I want, which isn't hard at all. So, that was basically all I did last weekend; campus tours and drinking, ahaha. Let's see.. what else has happened? Oh, I've been gravely ill since Thursday. Everyone is calling me swiney, of course. I have to go to the doctor's tonight to see what's up with my lungs, they're effing right up. I haven't been to school since Thursday morning, though I have copied all my notes off edline i still want to go back to class to see everyone!!

In love(sham) life news, I've been going out on a couple dates a week with Alex, and it's rather nice, but we're not looking for a relationships yet. Alan asked me out again, apparently fifth times a charm. Hmm what else, what else.. well, aside from the obvious which I don't need to mention again, Kate and Mike broke up. She ended it and when he accepted it, she beat the shit out of him! I told her I'll kick her ass if I catch her playing at that again, dumb bitch.

On a sad note, as things have been relatively good lately aside from getting sick, I see Fabio for the last time, probably ever, on Friday. Everytime I think of it my stomach drops. He was a good friend but I think he's one of those guys who can't remain "just friends" with an ex, which I don't comprehend for any man, but still. That's what I'm the most sad about. Not our failed romance, which was doomed from the very beginning, but the friendship I felt toward him as well. Obviously, not well returned. Another sad thing about this is when I think of him, I always think of the Moncton episode. It breaks my heart everytime. That's not the kind of wound that heals, it remains raw. I hope no girl lucky enough to catch him next time goes through that, not from him.

So that is about all I have to say today, I know I haven't been posting but as I said I've been laying in bed dying then getting drunk the past week, so I haven't been the most reliable person in the world, hehe. I'll try for another update Friday night apres mon rendezvous avec mon cher, bahaha. Goodbye my dears :) .

Ah, found this from a post last night and felt it needed an edit to be more precise:

Artifical and Impersonal.
Sex, Pain, Shame.
Abusive, Liar, Manipulative, Neglectful

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