Monday, October 19, 2009

they said they found me on the bathroom floor ;

Know what really bites? When the instant you become single, six different guys are after you for sex. And you only know two of them. Men. Suck. Dicks. Wish they all did, then they would leave me alone at least :) . Hehehe. Anyway, I suppose this is the part where I post what's happening right? Well, let me think.

I had a date with Alex again, and we're getting to know each other a little better, but I'm still not looking for anything right now, I don't want anything to do with men but to be friends. Besides the date, which included swimming in the Atlantic at midnight, we went to Goatman's at night and actually went IN the house! I was scared out of my mind but it was thrilling too! You should have seen the murals he had painted, he was exceedingly talented. Poor man, I wonder what happened to him.. After we were done looking around inside the collapsing building we took a walk down this grassy path to see where it led. We walked for about a kilometer before we came to a clearing with this gorgeous little beach. It was a really nice place.

I also dropped in on a couple of parties this weekend and met Michelle's new boyfriend in the process. Not to sound like a hypocrite here, but that 22 year old definitely has other designs in mind. For one thing, he looks like he must be thrity. For another, I just don't like the vibe from him. The way he looks at her, acts.. I'll be keeping my eye on my girl, that's for sure. I act rather paternal about certain friends, don't I? Especially Kathy and Michelle. Mostly Kathy though. She feels like a younger sister to me and I do my best to help her whenever I can, she has a lot to offer, I don't want her to be a screw up like her cousin.

Another new thing, I'm up to 60 mg. I don't remember if I mentioned that already.. but if not, well, now you know. I can't tell if it's working yet, but I have been rather happy lately. The future is looking a tiny bit clearer. Yet.. I feel kind of alone all the same. I've been writing a lot lately though, and it's helping. Maybe I will write a book someday.

I've also been thinking a lot about something Fabio said to me. He told me he doesn't believe my happiness is here. I think he's right. Think on that, my dear. Sadly, I've met a few more soldiers down here from the reserves and I'll admit I still cringe at the news and newspaper whenever news of Iraq or anything else military comes up. My dad's pushing me to the Navy. Maybe.. maybe.. We'll see. Ah, and the BIG news!! I'm going backpacking in Europe after high school! Good bye Canada, I'm going over to Germany and moving on from here! I cannot wait, it's going to be an incredible experience :D . That's all for me now, au revoir mes cheries!

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