Friday, September 25, 2009

darling you're a million ways to be cruel ;

So there's not really any news to report right now other than school. Grad photo session is the fifth of October for me at 10:10 and I have my Senior Interview on Thrusday about STU and my course selection ideas and crap. So I'm pretty well set up for an interesting week coming up. Plus I work Tuesday and Thursday, but I do have my first weekend ever off! Yay! And Fabio said he'll come spend it with me so I know it's going to be fun :) . Plus that Friday is a pay day for me! I hope we have a good time :) . Allie and Evan want us to come over and party but I don't know if we will yet, I'll ask him but sometimes we're both in the mood to just stay in and watch a movie or whatever, so we'll see.

Speaking of Allie and work, I love my job. I could be contented to do any work with books for the rest of my life. The only problem is I'm totally buying billions of them now. I spent like.. one hundred bucks on books today. They weren't all for me though! I got Addyson one, Kyler one, My mom and dad, and Shannon and Brenda. Everyone's getting a book for Christmas! I also found one for Fabio and I, but I can't give the title because he's sneaky and Blog Stalks me ;) .

Speaking of you, loveable jackass, I'm putting my faith in you this evening as you will be out and there is the possibility of drinking. You said you won't do it until I can get over this a little more and start learning to trust you again. Don't screw it up, mister. I want to trust you. And like you said, you don't need alcohol with your friends to have a good time. Though I think you may have drank the other day and didn't tell me? Perhaps you should mention it to me after you read this.

Okay what else is there.. well speaking of alcohol I'll be going out to the bar and Dooley's tomorrow night with Allie, Evan, Cavan, JTT, maybe Kyle, and a bunch of other people. Allie's 20 so she's the one closest to my age I believe, haha. But we all have a good time, they're all really laid back and chill. Almost all of them do drugs, mind you, but they are good people. Allie wants me to go move in with her and Evan and go three way on the rent, haha. Interesting idea, no? My phone keeps going off. That insane Kalina chick keeps txting me to tell me she's pregnant when she's not. That's her hobby, pretending she's pregnant. Poor girl has some problems, she drives me nuts.

Now, speaking of kids, as I seem to be going from one subject to another tonight, I think I'd actually like one or a few when it's right. I don't know if it's the whole Child Studies class or my own personal feelings or I've been inhaling crack and not knowing it, but I do want children. A nice little warm baby to hold, a toddler to take to school and help get dressed, even a teenager begging for clothes and curfew. I'm aware it's not all sunshine either; lack of sleep, money stress, emotional stress, all that junk. I'm thinking about it rationally, I don't do the fantasy everything will be okay shit. Is it weird I'm thinking about that... for someone who's seventeen? Probably. I'm not the average seventeen year old either, so maybe that's even sort of normal for me. God only knows. I'm already nuts, hehe. Anyway, I'm gonna watch some Family Guy for awhile. Goodnight Blog!

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