Sunday, September 27, 2009

im everything you've ever missed ;

I need my old bed back. This thing is killing me, it's like sleepin on a board! So anyway, hello Blog. Things are well, semi normal over here. It's never just normal, as I'm sure you've noticed. My auntie Ann and her scary preverted husband have just left after having dinner here. God he creeps me out, I make a point to stay as far away from him as possible. He like stares at all of my girl cousins and myself. We think he's abusive too, but it's really impossible to tell. So that's the bad news, haha. In good news, I got a cute little txt picture from Fabio of him all dressed up. I absolutely melted, it was so cute! He's adorable. Aside from today my weekend was rather uneventful except for the famous Saturday night, haha!

Okay so Saturday I went to Allie's after work again and we both got out whore drinking lets party outfits on and were gushing over each other, haha. I felt kind of funny in mine though because it was super short and I had to walk in my heels drunk, but everyone said it looked good so I guess it couldn't have been bad. So we drank at Allie's for a bit and just relaxed then headed out and decided to go to the South Dooleys, since they don't ID at the doors. So me and Cates and Gary walked ahead of everyone else and went in. Gary got our drinks and then bought up two pool tables so we just passed the time drinking, dancing, shooting, smoking, and just joking around. It was really relaxing, I enjoyed myself. Plus I beat Gary at pool twice, so I was pretty proud. Evan and Me were fooling around with the pool sticks all night too. Allie was tired so she just relaxed and drank. I had some fun though. Then Allie and Evan were talking to me asking if Fabio and I wanted to have an orgy, ahahaha. It was an interesting night. Then I called a cab and everyone hugged me, including my new lesbian buddy Alicia, haha. Marcel offered to take me home too cause he doesn't drink and I think he lives North too but he didn't really seem to be in a good mood so I just got into the cab and peeled.

So all in all my expenses this weekend were sixty dollars, fourty left over and pay day Friday. Not bad, for me :) . I'm super tired though, and I have to study for my math test. Grad photos in two weeks, and my grad interview Thrusday! Can't wait :) ! XOX!

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